

1. Take Risks
I've spent the majority of my life being scared; I've been scared of the new, of throwing up, of having anxiety attacks, etc. Every day I come to the realization that being scared is getting me nowhere. I am struggling down the same faded path over and over again. In 2015 I am going to take risks; I am going to be bold. I plan to face what scares me and just do it.

2. Be Generous 
A few weeks ago a young girl about my age came into my work place. She was friends with one of my coworkers so they talked a bit before she came up to my register to take her order. After I finished, she dropped a five dollar bill in our tip jar and walked away. To be honest, it astonished me that a teenager was so generous. Later, my coworker came up to me and spoke of how that same girl, her friend, had gone to the flower shop next door and bought her a bouquet of flowers. "When we were talking she randomly asked me what my favorite flower was," my coworker said, "and for no reason she bought me some roses. She totally made my day. I am so happy." Moral of the story, I want to be that kind of a person for my friends. Someone who spends 2x more than they did on themselves to make others happy. That is who I will strive to be

3. Simplify
I have so much stuff. Knick- Knacks litter my shelves and desks. My drawers are overflowing with clothes I never wear. All I can wonder is... why? I am blessed beyond measure, but I treasure items that have no use. In 2015 I am going to simplify and de-clutter. I want to be able to fit all of my belongings in a few suitcases. I'm done being greedy and sentimental with objects that have no purpose.

4. Focus on Creativity
Similar to simplifying, I want to focus on ways I can be creative. Instead of buying clothes, I am going to but the DSLR camera I have been longing for for months. I am going to put a grand amount of energy into blogging and photography, two things I love. I am going to cut down on television and social media and focus more on nature and the people around me.

5. Be More Positive
This is something that will always be in my goals; it is a concept I continually need to work on. I am a realist, but that is no excuse for bringing my family down in my negative comments and constant criticism.

6. Save
In 2015 I am going to better handle my money and paychecks. Recently I have started writing down my purchases and limiting my spending allowance which has helped me exponentially in saving for the big things in life. I want to travel, and that is expensive. Therefor I am going to focus on keeping spending at a minimum and saving at a max.

7. Be a Light
Along with being more positive, I want to be someone that people like to be around. I want to inspire and encourage and guide others through their lives because that is what I search for in others.

8. Have Fun
I am always way to controlled. In 2015 I want to get out of my comfort zone and have fun by spending more time with my friends and family.

9. Make Adventures Happen
Growing up my mother never let me say I was bored. "There are so many things you could be doing!" She'd say. I am going to follow that cue and get out more. I am a self proclaimed homebody and I need to get out of that rut.

10. Say "YES" More
I want to take as many opportunities as I can this year. Too often do I second guess plans and opportunities because I am scared. In 2015 I am going to push down my overwhelming fears and annoying anxiety to focus on expanding my horizons.

the photo above is not mine. It is from

1 comment

  1. Gorgeous blog Zoe! I'm so glad I've found you because I really look forward to reading your future posts, we have a lot in common haha xo


© Zoe Mack
Design:Maira Gall.