
Wire Head Wrap

The inspiration for this DIY came from a head wrap I bought at Forever 21. Though it was only $4, I was determined to make my own version to share with you! It is quite simple if you have a sewing machine, but can be done without. So, without further ado:

Necessary Materials:
12 gauge Coated Craft Wire
Needle Nose Pliers

1. Cut a piece of fabric 36 in x 5 in. (92 cm x 13 cm) If you'd like it longer or shorter, you can experiment with lengths. When the piece is folded in half (the long way) it should be about 2.5 inches (6.5 cm).

2. After pinning the fabric together, make the ends pointed. The shorter side should measure 34 in (86 cm).

3. Sew! Make sure to leave a small opening in the center for the wire to be put in.

4. Trim the edges and turn the fabric inside out using the hole.

5. Cut the wire around 38 in (96.5 cm). Using the pliers, bend the ends of the wire.

6. Stick the wire into the head wrap and adjust as needed.

7. Sew the hole shut and voila!

If you have any questions related to this, email me! I am always happy to help.

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© 2025 Zoe Mack
Design:Maira Gall.