
Take Back What's Yours!

Well hello there!

I was recently tagged by the lovely Grace from More Than Exist to participate in the Take Back What's Yours tag. A campaign started by Chloe from Chloe's Concept, the challenge is to find three things you want to "take back" from the past, like courage or happiness. Similar to New Year's Resolutions, this tag involves making a change. However, the purpose of this tag is to make a lifelong change, not a small, resolution.

Now's the time to take back what was once yours!

Things I want to take back:

1) Thankfulness

On holidays throughout my childhood I would make small presents for every member of my family -I traced flowers onto wax paper and glued them onto small cards, wove little squares, and  printed out cat names based on personality - ottertail, rosepaw, etc. (was anyone else obsessed with the Warriors series?). I used to do these things, but have, for some unknown reason, stopped. I am taking my thankfulness back. I want people around me to know that I am thankful for their presence in my life, whether it be through presents or a small thank you card. It's oh so important to me to be grateful for my circumstances and I want to remind myself of that for as long as I am here.

2) Confidence

I struggle with confidence. Though I am a very assertive person, I have an everyday problem handling my feelings regarding my appearance. I feel a lot of hatred towards my body and I'm sure many of you understand where I am coming from. I want to start loving myself; I want to walk through the hallway of school without worrying which side of my face a cute guy is seeing or wondering - can he see my zit from there? This is going to be VERY challenging for me, but I am going to keep working at it!

3) Positivity

Man, am I negative. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a pessimist, but I am definitely logical and realistic. When I don't want to do something I immediately change my attitude from happy to reluctant and rude. This actually happened last night. I am also quite stubborn which means that the 'tude is present for long after I'm actually over it. I do SO love positive people, and I long to be a person that others want to be around because I bring them up. I once was told by my aunt that I had a magnetism; that other people just wanted to be around me. Though I'm not sure if that's true now, I want it to be. I can sense that magnetism in others.  I want to be like that, which is why I'm going to work on my positivity.

I would love for this campaign to spread, which is why I'm tagging some of my favorite bloggers to participate!

> Lucy: Faraway Lucy
> Erika: Erika in Wonderland
> Gwen: Untitled and Unfinished
> Beth: Beth's Honest Ramblings


  1. aw sweeeeet! Thanks so much Zoe, great post! I hope you can continue to grow and change over time ♥ I also have struggles with self image! Also loved how you mentioned thankfulness - I don't show nearly as much thankfulness as I should, you've inspired me to show thankfulness more even by just making cards and notes! Grace xx

    1. Thank you for tagging me! I had so much fun doing this and you are too sweet!
      Zoe x

  2. Love this post!! your blog is very inspiring <3

    1. Thank you so much Anna! You have no idea how happy I am that you said that! Your comments always make me smile. xx

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me Zoe! Sorry that it took me so long to actually respond to the tag! I can relate so much to some of these. Confidence and thankfulness are definitely both things that I need to work on. I was totally obsessed with the Warriors series as well haha. Me and my friends made our own Warriors clan during recess and would act it out. Those were the days! Hope you have an amazing day Zoe!


© Zoe Mack
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