
The Future

It's okay to be scared. Right now, at this exact moment, I have no idea where I am going. And I feel a lot of fear.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Sorry - let's get some context here.

Possibilities. It's a class I am taking right now at school. The class is packed with quizzes: personality quizzes, skills quizzes, career quizzes, work value quizzes. SO MANY QUIZZES. The anticipation is high - filling in the tiny answer bubbles on the screen. I'm thinking over and over - this is going to tell me what to do. But it never does. I'd say the quiz doesn't work on me. That would be a lie. I agree with all of it: the personality (INTP) and the skills, and the work values. But in the end, the thing that I've realized is that however helpful these quizzes are, none of them can give me the answer I want to hear. This has pushed me to come to the conclusion that it's all me. Much like Tris from Divergent, I am entirely in control of my future. And it is completely possible that I will choose wrong.

"Only you can control your future" - Dr. Seuss

I've been plowing through life lately; exploding in a sprint towards my goal only to discover that I don't know where to i should shoot (soccer reference here lol). There is this whole BIG net of possibilities - and so many directions to go. Which one do I choose!? 

"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." - Abraham Lincoln

Oh Abe, you give the best advice.

There is one thing I am going to try - to take one day at a time. I'm still going to think about the future, of course. Everything is coming too quickly not to. But instead of letting the unknown ruin my day, I'm going to let that void of emptiness fuel my desire to find what I want from life. I'm going to take adventures and learn and do entirely new things. 

"What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future." - Sai Baba

Let the unknown be your motivation. Use the fear for good. The future is today- so let that be the top priority. 

and another (sorry, but I love 'em)

"The future starts today, not tomorrow." - Pope John Paul II

What do you see when you look into the future?

Stay bold! Zoe xx


  1. Hiii Zoe!
    So interesting!
    What do I see when I look into my future? I guess I've learnt (and still am learning) that the future is and will being unknown to a certain extent. I've learnt that there will be things totally out of control. I've been practising just letting go and making plans for the future then blessing and releasing them so I'm free to just live every single day in the moment, to live every single day to the fullest. It's been a struggle just letting go but I'm definitely so much more happy for it!
    Much love, Grace x

    1. I totally agree with you. I absolutely love your mindset!
      Zoe xx

  2. Lovely post! I've nominated you for a liebster Award, check out the details here >

  3. It's hard. I'm totally with you. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and everyday I feel the pressure that I have to know. There's so much pressure and it's so hard to remove myself from that. I'm trying to think about the future as little as possible, but hopefully it will bring great things as I'm sure yours will!

    1. I missed you Gwen! and yes! the future is super scary, but totally awesome!


© Zoe Mack
Design:Maira Gall.